In the morning commuter bus. The businessman who worked as a businessman always crushed the time while watching the net news in sumaho. An article in the number of news that the man has been arrested as an act of betrayal to a female student Man has reason, and the reason usually suppresses desire. I wanted to try to act like a man who was being arrested like this. I thought I was thinking of such a thing, but when I looked away from sumaho and raised my face, the inside of the car that was supposed to rattle was overflowing with female students. This is a man that the bus swings to the next girl. Then the girl turned around for the man and smiles. "What's the matter?" The man slowly stretches out in the skirt of a girl and touches the terrible ass. If you think the girl suddenly said so, the girls around you will see the man all the time, and come to me. At that moment the man thought. "This must be a dream..." the man is left to desire, and is buried in the schoolgirl, and the mind is pushed to the body, and the mind is liberated while pushing the face. Female student harem. The scene I saw in my dreams. Is this really a dream? Or reality? Such a strange story.