Mr. Ichinose, a woman's boss who is handsome in losing the man's face. I'm always angry at work. My colleagues around me send me their eyes on my adoration. But I loved Mr. Ichinose because he had a wonderful smile to show me from time to time. Today, he failed his presentation and was reprimanded by Mr. Ichinose, who worked overtime alone. I was stuck at work and slept in the midst of watching the photocopier, which doubled as a breather. And then again re-presented. The deal with the business partners went well, Mr. Ichinose and I went to launch. As the alcohol progressed, Mr. Ichinose invited me to resipate my drink at home. A drunken girl stares at me with a little moist eyes. I reluctantly pushed her to bed. I thought she might get angry despite the drunken momentum, but she quietly closed her elbow. I held her up to this point in my life. With her fingers, with her tongue, using all of her to feel her, and she also received everything. I slept while enjoying the dreamy time. The next day, I woke up with the warmth of my eyes. Mr. Ichinose smiled and gently kissed me with his sleepy eyes...